Monday, July 6, 2009

Guiding Insights

A friend on livejournal does a 1 card balance card draw once a month. I've always been curious about them so I decided to ask for one. Here it is.

ljuser: haikujaguar 2009-07-06 12:17 pm (local) (link)

"You'd like one! And gave me no idea what it was about. So when I pull the Embrace I admit I am curious. This is the card that says: Throw yourself into life! Open your arms and take it all in! Good, bad, broken, ascendant, joy and sorrow, life in all its guises. Live it to the point of tears, good and bad. By no means must you push it away or hold it apart. You are no outsider to walk alone; you are no less human than anyone else.No isolation! No artificial alienation! Leap, engage, embrace!"

Not bad advice! I think I will.

I DEFINITELY threw myself into life this weekend. Overall a fantastic time. From the wild insanity of Thursday night to the lazy chilling and sangria of family dinner on Sunday, this was definitely a great weekend.

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