Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow! ... well, ice.

Everyone kept saying "Snow in Florida! Snow in Tampa!" For this weekend. There was a mixture of terror, disbelief, and wonder at the prospect.

We just got freezing rain instead. Hasn't snowed in Florida since like 1977 or something like that.

However, there has been lots of ice on my car in the mornings. See below.

If it didn't make my fingers freeze I'd play with it every morning.

The first day it happened I scraped it together and made a mini-snowball- it was über mighty! I threw it against the wall and felt all nostalgic and stuff.

However, now that it's a morning routine it's getting a little old.

There, I've complained about the weather like a good Floridian. Before anyone says "You want to know what cold is? What snow is? Come up here!" I'd like to remind you that unlike northern places, we don't have the infrastructure, experience, and equipment to deal with the cold properly. You may be used to jumping in the pool at 70ºF, but we're used to swimming pools as warm as bath water and 98ºF in the shade "nice" spring days, so 28ºF is a stretch for us! Also, all my jackets except the UK collection are made for Florida weather not 28ºF ! So there.

You people in the Frozen North™ have my sympathies.

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